

De Ubuntu a Inkscape, pasando por herramientas más específicas de Big Data y climatología, en Predictia confiamos en proyectos de código abierto día a día. ¿Por qué? las razones son múltiples:

Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S 512

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) aims to provide high-quality information about the past, present and future climate in Europe and the rest of the world. This would not be possible without the role of the Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC), which ensures these data is provided to a broad range of users while shaping the research agenda to attend the most important challenges detected.

WP1: Fitness of the CDS data

The Climate Data Store (CDS) is the cornerstone of the C3S infrastructure, contributing to the provision of existing datasets on Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), climate analyses, projections and indicators. The CDS offers a web-based and API-based search to access all this climate data.

The CDS datasets must be compliant with certain data models, conventions and standards recommended by ECMWF, that is, the Common Data Model (CDM). We are involved in the planning and development of the Data Quality Checker: a product that checks if those datasets are in fact compliant with the CDM.

The CDS quality is fed by some tools called QARs. They are created to gather main information on all aspects of the object to be quaility controlled (e.g. ECV) in a standardised and concise form, whereby data users can be supported in making informed decisions on the use of multiple similar quality controlled objects (e.g. ECV) for their particular application. We have created a Content Management System that helps developing QAR content.

WP2: Fitness of the CDS toolbox

The CDS Toolbox is a comprehensive set of software which enables users to develop custom-made applications, helping them discover and process the data and products provided through the distributed data repositories.

Within this WP, we are engaged on the definition of shared vocabularies and common practices to ensure consistency of quality assurance information and user guidance for all elements of the CDS Toolbox.

WP3: Fitness of overall service

In order to check the fitness of the overall service, some KPIs where defined. At Predictia, we have established a workflow and a system to automatically revise and update these KPIs. In this case, we have developed a web dashboard and interaction system with C3S users, to gather their feedback. We are also reporting about the overall KPIs quality.

Count with us for your next project! Contact us to get more information:

Predictia Weather app

We have published a new version of Predictia Weather, our app for short-range weather forecasting in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Island. This release includes several improvements and new features:

Predictia Weather app

Acabamos de lanzar una nueva versión de nuestra app de predicción meteorológica para la Península Ibérica y Baleares. Esta nueva versión incluye varias mejoras que creemos pueden ser interesantes:

El proyecto EUPORIAS sigue produciendo resultados científicos.

More scientific results coming from the EUPORIAS project.

The 11 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología took place in Cartagena between October 17th and 19th. Predictia was one of the sponsors of the congress, and also assisted as participant to present the talk Visor de escenarios de cambio climático de AdapteCCa: Acceso y análisis a la actualización de Escenarios-PNACC 2017.