

Fire activity in southeast Australian (both frequency and area burnt) is shown to depend on El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This gives a potential source of predictability for seasonal forecasting.

This relationship has been recently studied in the paper ENSO controls interannual fire activity in southeast Australia published by researchers from The University of Melbourne:

A pesar de que es conocido que el fenómeno ENSO es el factor principal para la predictibilidad en escalas de tiempo estacionales (Manzanas y col., 20141), se espera que otros procesos, como la Oscilación Madden-Julian, la Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, el

Even though ENSO is known to be the main driver of skill at seasonal time-scales (Manzanas et al., 20141), other processes such as the Madden-Julian Oscillation, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, the Indian Ocean dipole, feedbacks between the ocean and the atmosphere

In early 2015 the European Union launched the Copernicus programme. With an initial funding of 87 million euros, the objective of this programme is to develop a European system for monitoring the Earth.

A principios del año 2015 la Unión Europea puso en marcha el programa Copernicus. Con una financiación inicial de 87 millones de euros, el objetivo de este programa es desarrollar un sistema europeo para la monitorización del planeta.

A pilot application for sector tailored seasonal forecasting has been launched by Predictia, focusing on forest fire danger and considering as an illustrative application the Fire Weather Index (FWI). This index integrates the compound effect of four atmospheric variables (temperature, precipitation, humidity and wind) involved in the propagation of a forest fire.

Hemos lanzado una aplicación piloto de predicción estacional centrada en el riesgo de incendios forestales. A modo ilustrativo, considera el índice Fire Weather Index (FWI). Este índice, integra el efecto combinado de cuatro variables atmosféricas (temperatura, precipitación, humedad y viendo) involucradas en la propagación de los incendios forestales.

Our colleague at Predictia, Rodrigo Manzanas, has presented his Phd Thesis titled Statistical downscaling of precipitation in seasonal forecasting: Advantages and limitations of different approaches.

Nuestro compañero en Predictia, Rodrigo Manzanas, ha presentado su Tesis Doctoral titulada Statistical downscaling of precipitation in seasonal forecasting: Advantages and limitations of different approaches.