Optimised Climate Data Services

Copernicus Data Stores Modernisation


The Copernicus Climate Change (C3S) and Atmosphere Monitoring (CAMS) Services, implemented by the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), provide free, ready-to-download climate and atmospheric information (covering past, present and future) to the public via the Climate Data (CDS) and Atmosphere Data Stores. From these services, existing datasets on Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), climate analyses, projections and indices can be downloaded. They offer a web-based and API-based search to access all these climate and atmospheric data.

The popularity of these services, as well as the growing needs for volume of information (either due to new datasets or increased spatial/temporal resolution) have highlighted the need for a modernisation of the existing service.

Predictia is involved in the contract that develops this modernisation (Copernicus Data Stores Modernisation - CJS2_211). The consortium consists of different institutions from all over Europe and is led by the Italian company B-Open. Predictia's contribution focuses on the following components: system monitoring, observation repository and content and process manager.

Main Features

  • Tecnologías cloud
  • Big data sobre datos climáticos

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