New version of AdapteCCa's Climate Change Scenario Viewer: daily observation data, addition of Andorra and more

Friday, February 4, 2022

As usual from time to time, and thanks to our collaboration with AdapteCCa, we have updated the Climate Change Scenarios viewer with new functionalities and data:

Have you used the Climate Change Scenario Viewer for academic and professional work? Help us to keep it useful for future developments by filling in this survey (deadline 1 March 2022).

  • The viewer now includes data for the Principality of Andorra, thus increasing the geographical coverage. This has involved integrating data from point observations and post-processing EURO-CORDEX climate projection data for this area.

  • We have incorporated daily scale observations data provided by AEMET, from the AEMET-OBS dataset. This allows users to consult 27 observation indices, instead of the 3 that were available until now.

  • We implemented a new data download service, through a THREDDS service. All the information about this can be found at

  • We have incorporated a training section through which you can access the materials of the training actions of the AdapteCCa Virtual Classroom.

The AdapteCCa Climate Change Scenario Viewer, developed within the framework of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC), is an easy-to-access tool for finding out, viewing and downloading the most up-to-date projections of the future climate of our country. Since its launch in 2018, it has received an average of more than 1,000 visits per month, and it is regularly updated so that it continues to be a suitable and versatile tool that responds to the needs of the Spanish adaptation community. In this sense, the new PNACC 2021-2030 contemplates among its lines of work to continue making the regionalised climate scenarios (PNACC-Scenarios) available to the public through this viewer, by improving and updating them based on the best available knowledge.