Muface MBDS

Muface MBDS

Web Portal for providing MBDS records to MUFACE

The Mutuality of Spanish Public Workers (MUFACE) started a project on the year 2010 with the purpose of collecting the MBDS records of hospital discharges of MUFACE's beneficiaries treated in private hospitals. The project was named Implantation and analysis of hospitalization MBDS from the MUFACE's protected collective in private hospitals concerted with health care insurers.

Our participation was multifaceted, involving the development of a web portal for the collection, as well as the quality control and standardization of the MBDS records.

The MBDS collecting project was awarded with the "Transparency Award" in the Quality Awards in National Health System in 2010 by the Quality Agency of the Ministry of Health. More information.

Key features

Standard MBDS format established by the Ministry of Health
Customizable data format
Dump management
Support for large amounts of data

Project's overview

The MBDS providing portal aims to integrate different datasets in a normalized database according to the Criteria established in the Spanish Official Bulletin Number 306, published the 21th of December, 2011.

With the purpose of easing the data collecting process, a set of customized file templates are defined for the Healthcare Entities. This allows the systematic exportation of their information reducing the mistake appearance in the process.

The templates define the position of the MBDS variables available in the file as well as their format. The format types supported are delimited and fixed width text files. Templates can also contain correspondences that allow mapping the original set of codes used by the Entities with the standard ones.

Data validation

Each individual MBDS record is validated, and a detailed description of all detected errors is displayed in the user interface. All errors have a severity level customizable by the administrators. Some of them will have a critical severity and would invalidate a record in the case of appearance. The rest of the errors would just be shown as warnings. The application computes a lot of quality controls including date coherence and variable code validation (including diagnostic a procedure vocabulary codes). As these controls are computed in real time the portal can be used as a data cleaning tool.

The record dump process is completed using an wizard with several steps, and can be restarted if any errors were detected. The portal has also dump management, and records can be overwritten in a future dump.

There is a exportation module designed for data quality and case mix analysis.


The MBDS collecting project was awarded with the "Transparency Award" in the Quality Awards in National Health System in 2010 by the Quality Agency of de Ministry of Health (more information).

Using the application developed by Predictia, MUFACE was able to collect in 2010 the 66,8% of the hospital discharges from the MUFACE beneficiaries treated in private hospitals (in 2009 only a 18% were collected). In 2011 the coverage increased to over 80%. More details can be found in the presentation "MBDS implantation in MUFACE" from the fifth Forum about Information Services on the National Health System.

A great progress have been detected in the level of MBDS records reporting from Healthcare Entities comparing with previous years: the coverage index had a significant improvement.

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